Five Guys, Bear
Address: Five Guys
1249 Quintilio DrBear, DE 19701 Other Delaware Indian Restaurants |
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Five Guys, Bear Review - No Big Deal
A short while ago, one of our readers posted a comment about visiting Five Guys (the burger joint) last week and how the burger there was excellent.That sent us down memory lane because a few months back we'd visited one of the Five Guys stores in our area.
Our visit was after Zagat rated Five Guys the #1 Burger last year.
Plus, there was all that hoopla about President Obama's visit to a Five Guys store in Washington DC.
We were curious to see what the big fuss was all about.
No Big Deal
Five Guys was the usual, crappy fast-food place.The free peanuts were kept near the trash-can.
And the Five Guys employee serving us had the standard I-don't-give-f*ck attitude that fast food outlet employees usually sport.
We ordered the Hamburger (with Mayo, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Green Pepper and Mustard), Cajun Fries and a drink.
The Hamburger was $4.99, the Cajun Fries $2.39 and the drink $1.99.
It took about 7 minutes for our order to get ready. While waiting, we got some free peanuts (remember, they're near the trash-can) in a paper container.

Not particularly juicy or memorable in any sort of way.
Or maybe, we've not had enough hamburgers to appreciate a good one when we see one.

The boardwalk fries with Cajun seasoning at our neighborhood Pizza joint Polisano's are better.
The Polisano fries and, hell, even the Mac fries, taste far superior.

All in all, we wouldn't recommend Five Guys to anyone.
But then we wouldn't recommend any non-Indian food place to our readers (except, maybe Maoz).
With their infinite choices, varied cuisines (North Indian, South Indian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Andhra, Bengali), yummilecious spicy delights and a million kinds of sweets, Indian food ranks far ahead of any other.
Who gives a rat's ass about Five Guys or Wendy's or Burger King or Taco Bell!
Smart Indians By the way, are Indians really into Hamburgers or any other fast-food stuff such as Chicken Sandwich and the like.
We don't think so.
On the few occasions we've been to Mac, Burger King, Taco Bell, Five Guys, Hardees and KFC, we've almost never seen Indians.
Smart fellas. these Indians. Who wants to eat that fast-food shit.
The only Indians we see in fast-food outlets here are the Gujjus working behind the counter at Dunkin Donuts and making that bad hideously awful coffee . ;)
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