Cheesecake Factory Christiana Mall
Cheesecake Factory Christiana Mall - Go For the Ultimate Margarita
To all those who delude themselves that the Original Cheesecake is the only reason to visit the Cheesecake Factory, I say, schmucks, have you tried the Ultimate Margarita.The place offers three varieties of Margarita but since I was in a mood to get slightly high I picked the Ultimate Margarita.
A wise decision in retrospect. :(
Made with Sauza Hornitos Tequila, Cointreau, Grand Marnier and Lots of Fresh Lime On the Rocks, the Ultimate Margarita is just the syrupy thing to drink after lunch, before lunch, during dinner or any time in between.

This is one of the best Margaritas I've had.

Delicious, and fattening, beyond words.
At my advanced age, I probably should steer clear of such dynamite.
Well, when have I ever stopped at a Red Light?

Since they didn't have the Vegetable Samosa, I settled for the Chicken version.
The Cheesecake Factory Samosas are not like the desi Samosas, which usually come with the flavor of Indian spices.
The Cheesecake Factory Samosas are less oily and the inside fillings while flavorful tastes different from the stuff you find in Indian Samosas.
But the dipping sauce that came with the Cheesecake Factory Samosas was lousy, crappy and beastly, nowhere near our tamarind sauce or green chutney Samosa accompaniments.

But, hey, with the Ultimate Margarita in hand, I'm not complaining.

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